Assignment 4: Flew to NUS, failed to destroy it.

Posted: Sunday, March 28, 2010 by Siti Suhailah in Labels:

As the title suggests, BEEN THERE, TRIED THAT. -.- The woes of my superhero scenes.

Haha.... Guess what. I actually shot the fighting scenes twice. One time at Lover's Park behind Central Forum and another time at the walkway to LT11. Both times... we got harassed by bees and mosquitos during the shoot. Jalea was badly bitten by mosquitos and Bibi.... well, let's just say that she does not EVER want to act for me ever again.

Anyway, so here's what happened so far:
1. Finished filming all the scenes needed for this Assignment.
2. Currently sieving out the clips and editing them too.

And we're doing all this WHILE doing the final project. Yep. So it's super tiring for all of us.

Will be continuing now. Tataa..