Assignment 1: First meeting!
Posted: Thursday, January 28, 2010 by Siti Suhailah in Labels: Assignment 1Ok so we had our first group meeting. Me, Sharon and Jalea. Trio of girls. Awesome. Could get along well with them.. Hehehe... Oh right.. We discussed the layout and the kind of special elements we should incorporate into the website. And also things like what to put in and what not to put in. Some of the ideas I had previosuly during the last lesson, we kind of brought it forward, with their approval of course. And now we're sourcing out for ways to enhance our design even further.
As of now, we all agreed to keep this CNM website simple yet professional-looking, something that looks clean-cut and suave, not kiddish or too colourful or anything of that sort. Mainly because it doesn't tie in well with the other departmental websites within the NUS domain. We gotta look good for everyone, right? Even potential researchers could be the target audience. So we really started to think carefully. What is our main aim?
We then decided on a focus. We're gonna make the website idiot-proof and noob-friendly!!! Gonna have a clean grid with big buttons and signs... Nothing messy. Targeting the main dempgraphics that would actually visit our humble little CNM website. Yep. More details soon... I have to go for lessons now... Tata...